🌲🏘️🌳 History Stories Life During and After the Roslyn Country Club

Life During and After the Roslyn Country Club

by Nancy Wechselblatt Hirsch, from the Wheatley Alumni Newsletter

In a recent alumni newsletter mention was made of the now defunct Roslyn Country Club. Several years ago I went to visit it and was so disappointed to see the neglect of the pool and tennis courts, although the mansion itself is still a catering venue. I heard talk of it possibly being turned into a park but that never happened.  I have such fond memories of ‘The Club,’ as it was a neighborhood hangout. It was a great facility to have if one did not go to camp. Even on rainy summer days it was a place to see people, chat and play shuffleboard or ping pong. In winter we played in the woods and went sledding. The best part was that I worked there as a lifeguard for several summers. Some other Wheatley alumni worked there as well, including Billy Rutenberg (1964), my sister Susan Wechselblatt Firsenbaum (1965), Neil Penkower (1966), and Shep Messing (1967).

3 thoughts on “Life During and After the Roslyn Country Club”

  1. I’ve tried to get some action on reopening the club. I even went to a meeting a year or so ago organized by Rita Stein to look into getting it open again. We still have rights to use it in our deeds. It is a great resource for adults and children. Not only that but reopening will definitely increase the value of our houses. Who is interested.

    The excuse the N Hempstead reps gave for not making it into a park district was the RCC people would not be willing to pay $1000 a year more in taxes if it became a special park district. That would be a bargain. Try to join a club for that!

    Lets try to make it happen befor another local generation grows up without it!

    1. Hi Jerry! If you have Rita’s contact information, would be interested to hear what she and the rest of the group came up with.

      We have some plans in the works, but in the very early stages.

  2. Hi Jerry,
    After the RCC it was off to college in Pittsburgh… Father dies, mother sold the house and moved to a condo apt near the Throggs Neck Bridge. Alan moved up to North Salem, Merry was living in Florence Italy since college. She did return and moved down the block from me in Mt Vernon… then assisted living before she passed.
    Lately I’ve been trying to remember things about my days when I lived at 69 Shelter Lane (S section) …. friends, neighbors, local stores… little league…. whatever. Sadly so much is lost in my memory.
    I vaguely recall having to go to Temple Sinai for “Hebrew school” after regular school to prepare for my bar mitzvah… and remember some friends from those days. Barely can I recall any teachers… Physics – Bongerzone?? Rosenstein, Siderman??, Doig, Meisel….Ms Durif, Fiendler… Dr. Simendinger…I suppose it’s all on the www somewhere and I could find it.
    Was it called Super Drug – across from the A&P? A malted cost $.35.. collecting baseball cards… (wish I had them now they’d be worth a fortune!)
    It would be interesting to read memories of people from back in the day. Alan and Merry have died and so I can’t tap them… I don’t know anyone from then… now. I was in touch with the Halpers when Andy was living in Brooklyn Hts… but no longer.
    I think I took tennis lessons from someone named “Shukow” at the RCC. I recall having attended Bar Mitzvahs at the RCC… playing in the Little League at the two fields behind Roslyn middle school. I remember the Duck Pond… and the Roslyn Movie theater and the Roslyn Library… the Clock Tower.
    I remember the Jerome family on Snapdragon… Tim, Bill, Jerry jr. but not the other name.
    Names I remember:
    Mitch Ditkoff, Ira Kent, Roger Morris, Donna Heghi(sp?), Preston Winters, Jane Goldenberg, the Eastmans , Tina Strominger, Roddy Nierenberg, David Orlins, Roy Winnnick, Jimmy Optner, Dicky Strauss, George Glasser, Jerry, Billy Mintz (was there a Lisa Mintz?) Alison Bernstein (her father had an attic full of classical records). Jeanne, Marc and Shep Messing, David Golub, Denise Salande, Barbara Ashley
    I am sure with a list of people my memories would awaken.
    How many from the RCC are you in some form of contact with?
    I will definitely try to attend the next re union… assuming I know when it is.
    Thank you!

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