🌲🏘️🌳 History 21st Century History November 2008: Residents Want Their Club Back

November 2008: Residents Want Their Club Back

I am the president of the Roslyn Country Club Civic Association. As the elected representative of my community, I am charged with communicating and executing the desires of my neighbors, when possible.

Our neighborhood has been without the namesake of our community – the Roslyn Country Club (RCC) – for the last two summers. Our children are without a community pool and our neighbors are without the facility that served not only as a platform to build friendships, but knit the very fabric of a community for half a century. In today’s frenzied, multi-tasked world, a local facility such as the RCC is more necessary than ever. With this loss, families have been denied the opportunity to socialize with neighbors for casual afternoons in the sun and our seniors have been denied a place to meet and socialize.

The battle for the RCC is no run-of-the mill debate over land use with a property owner. In our case, all residents purchased legal rights to use the Club when we bought our homes. It seems, however, that the owner set his sights on developing the property regardless of our rights. We continue to do our best to thwart his efforts.

The overwhelming message from the four corners of our community is, We Want to Swim in Our Pool, We Want to Play Tennis on Our Courts and We Want Our Club Back! I received hundreds of petitions from people I have never met, all asking nothing more than that the operator of this facility live up to his legal obligation to open the club. To my friends and neighbors: As long as I have your support, I pledge that I will help you and I will make this the primary focus of the Civic Association’s efforts during my term. I will work tirelessly to reclaim your club so that we can all enjoy our club again. I have had preliminary conversations with our elected officials who stressed their commitment to helping us achieve this goal. Many of your neighbors are generously supporting litigation seeking to reopen the club. Your Civic Association Board has met and planned continuing advocacy efforts before local elected officials as well, all with the primary purpose of reopening our club. The Civic Association will hold a community meeting in November to discuss this important matter. Please watch for announcements of the meeting date and make every effort to attend to learn what we can achieve together.

The Civic Association appreciates the tremendous outpouring of support we have received. Please continue to attend our meetings, engage in conversations with your friends and neighbors and work with us to reopen our club. Please contact us at rccca@hotmail.com.

Heather Schwartz


Roslyn Country Club Civic Association

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